Maguire Expansion into Taiwan

Expansion: New Taiwanese Company

Expansion: New Taiwanese Company

Maguire Products has established Maguire Products Taiwan Co., Ltd. as a new subsidiary to serve the large and growing Taiwanese market for plastics auxiliary equipment.

The new company will serve local customers with sales and technical support for Maguire® Weigh Scale Blenders, ULTRA® Low Energy Dryers, MGF™ gravimetric feeders, Clear-Vu™ loading systems, and other Maguire equipment brands. It will stock a select number of fully assembled machines and a complete range of spare parts. The Taichung City facility will include a demonstration facility where customers and prospects can see Maguire equipment in operation.

Maguire Taiwan is a subsidiary of Singapore-based Maguire Asia, whose managing director is Hubert Nerlich. “Maguire has created Maguire Taiwan to provide direct service to a market of considerable size and importance that until now we have served through agents,” said Nerlich. “There are many Taiwanese plastics processors operating both domestically and abroad, plus a large number of OEM suppliers who specify our auxiliary systems for use in complete production lines. ”The new company’s general manager Danniel Hsieh will head a staff of factory-trained sales and technical service specialists.



新公司将在美奎的产品销售和技术支持方面向当地的客户提供服务,包括Maguire® 称重计量混料机ULTRA ®低能耗干燥、MGF™称重喂料机, -Clear-Vu™加料系统以及其它美奎品牌的设备。公司将储存经过挑选的全部组装完成的机器以及全范围的备件。台中市的工厂将包括演示设备,客户和潜在客户可以看到运行中的美奎设备。

美奎台湾是位于新加坡的美奎亚洲的子公司。美奎亚洲的董事总经理是Hubert Nerlich,他说道:“美奎台湾公司的建立,向这个具有相当规模的重要市场提供直接的服务,而此前我么是通过代理提供服务。台湾有许多塑料加工厂商,既有本地的,也有来自国际上的,再加上大量OEM供应商,他们指定在全套生产线上使用我们的辅助设备。”

新公司的总经理Danniel Hsieh 将领导这家工厂的员工,员工均经过培训、是销售和技术服务方面的专家。所有美奎产品都是在美国宾夕法尼亚州的Aston制造的。美奎台湾是展示美奎产品的第六个国际子公司。美奎中国是美奎亚洲的另一个子公司,此外美奎有三家子公司:美奎欧洲、美奎加拿大和服务于中东、印度和非洲的美奎IMEA。

Further Reading