Alpha - the most efficient inline recycling system in the market developed in partnership between Erema and Plasmac.
Why Choose an Alpha
- Direct extrusion design, no prior size reduction required, therefore no dust.
- Unique Short Screw Technology (SST) ensures minimal power consumption.
- SST = low shear, low processing temperatures & minimal process dwell time.
- This means the absolute minimal material degradation and gels.
Rapid Return on Investment
- Return on investment in a little as 6 months.
- Minimal energy used - lower running costs.
- Minimize operator interaction.
- Reduced material costs - recycle ALL scrap straight back into the blender.
Circular Economy
- Perfect for in-line trim recycling - all scrap material goes back into the product.
- No material lost to the surrounding environment, in-line means you close the loop
- No material sent offsite, no cross contamination of your product, zero losses - at minimal kW cost.